Try Notion
Personal Website
(the site you're on right now)
I made this website using HTML, CSS, and leonclvt's Loconotion, which converts a public Notion page into a customizable static webpage.
Design Thoughts
I started working on this site early on in 2021 after getting the domain (no regrets.) I messed around with Bootstrap and W3.CSS, but mostly got frustrated. I was a bit rusty with webdev, so I went on freeCodeCamp and did some refreshers.
When my Personal Branding module for school started, I remade the page completely with fresh knowledge. I was inspired by portfolios of some of my favourite indie developers. I noticed that almost all of them had their works presented front and center - important for catching attention - the visitor shouldn't have to search for a reason to hire me!
I'm also happy that I managed to fit everything neatly on one page. One of my biggest peeves in web design is when information is scattered between many different links.